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Modern way of doing business implies continuous "market competition", i.e. constant competition between entities operating in the same or similar markets, all with the aim of better positioning in the market and increase of revenues. This type of business requires special care, with a professional and diligent approach, especially having in mind the strict competition regulations and high penalties for breaches of regulations.

DML Legal team provides comprehensive legal advice in the field of competition and has an extensive experience in representing clients before the Competition authorities in a variety of procedures.

Below are presented some of the services we provide in the field of anti-trust and competition:

Representation of clients before the Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition in procedures for exemption of restrictive agreements from prohibition, merger clearance procedures, examination and other procedures conducted before the Commission;

Contract analysis and advice on compliance with the regulations governing competition protection;

Advisory services regarding potential obligation to obtain a concentration approval when acquiring shares in other companies, buying property, acquiring business of other company or carrying out mergers, etc.

Advisory services regarding abuse of dominant position, cartels, state aid, etc.